Firm-ready traders

Get access to warmly referred early-stage and experienced traders.

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Get pre-vetted high quality candidates suited to your firm. We work directly with student organizations to provide individualized coaching and mentorship.


“Vici was helpful throughout the entire process, including when they gave me a broad overview of what quant is and what is important in the industry, and when they kindly took time to practice realistic interview questions with me + gave critical yet constructive feedback. There were many resources out there that I relied on, but nothing was as fast or effective for course-correcting and improving than learning from industry insiders like yourself.”

Jane Street Trader
Masters in Finance Graduate

Diverse Selection

You get access to diverse candidates to fit your hiring strategy.


Independent traders with their own team and strategy

Mid to senior level candidates such as the head of trading or senior trading

Pre-interviewed junior and campus hires

Vetted candidates


We vet thoroughly before any member of your recruiting team spends time on a candidate.

Warmly referred


Candidates who pass through our pipeline have either worked directly with our contacts or have a reputation that has been vetted by members of their previous firms.

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How it works

Here's our process when working with trading firms.


Initial Consultation

In-depth discussion of org culture, goals,  qualifications and attributes needed from candidates.

Choose whether you wish to disclose more details, depending on your business needs for privacy.

Schedule consultation

Candidate Sourcing & Evaluation

Using your mandates, we source candidates from our personal networks.

We rigorously assess, so you only get the most qualified candidates with a high chance of placement.

We let you know if we do not have someone that matches the criteria.


Interview Coordination

We facilitate seamless interview coordination between your team and the shortlisted candidates, streamlining the hiring process.


Post-placement Support

Ongoing support to both you and the candidate, ensuring a smooth transition and successful onboarding.

If the candidate does not work out and we can communicate openly on what went wrong, Vici is willing to accept a clawback or reduction in our expected compensation.

In working with trading firms, we are proud to be treated as traders if our performance does not deliver.

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Original, and occasionally funny essays about trading concepts and interview process.