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Interview prep with expert traders

Get higher salaries, move to better firms, and get higher signal guidance from experienced traders.

An honest, quantified evaluation of job prospects

Learn the culture + pros and cons of joining different firms

Experience the process and learn common new entrant pitfalls

Learn the right frameworks and problem-solving mindset

A safe space for asking dumb questions

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A personalized approach

Whether you're a beginner or looking to move to a new firm, you can get coaching from veteran traders passionate about education.

Mock interviews + Q&A

Get feedback on what you did well or poorly in.

Framework-driven education

Evaluate risks and rewards with new mental models.

Intuition and problem solving

Real-life problem solving rarely uses complicated math/ML techniques. Learn what it really takes to thrive in trading.

Transparency on prospects

Understand what pay, benefits, % cut of bonus pool and profits actually look like in the industry.


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one-on-oneGroup (2-4)
5 hrs + DM Q&A$1300$800 each
2 hours$600$400
1 hour$350$200
1 hour add-on$250$180
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Original, and occasionally funny essays about trading concepts and interview process.